Description: To support modeling predictions with experimental data, we established a combined molecular biology/electrophysiology laboratory. Our staff has expert knowledge in diverse cloning techniques, molecular analyses, electrophysiology and plant, and environmental physiology. The laboratory gathers researchers involved in basic and applied science projects (Fondecyt, Fondef, Nucleo Milenio, among others)
Implemented methodologies:
- Microorganism culture.
- Cloning.
- Site-directed mutagenesis.
- In vitro transcription
- Two-Electrode Voltage-Clamp on Xenopus oocytes
- RNA extraction, qPCR
- Bioterium for Xenopus laevis.
- Ultrapure water purificator.
- TEVC-setup.
- Oocyte injection setup.
- Thermocyclers.
- Cultivation chambers.
- Biosafety chambers.
- Spectrophotometer.
- Electrophoresis chambers.
- Centrifuges.
Research lines:
- Study of ion channels.
- Study of ion transporters.
- Among others.
Director: Ingo Dreyer /
Partners: Wendy Gonzalez, Janin Riedelsberger, Maria Eugenia Rubio Melendez