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About us

First in Latin America, the University of Talca created a School of Engineering in Bioinformatics. Since 2004, scientific work is conducted within the Bioinformatics Engineering School and the constant development of new scientific projects led to the legal establishment of the Center for Bioinformatics, Simulations, and Modeling (CBSM) in April 2012. The foundation of the CBSM led to the generation of an organizational structure within the center, which allows sustainability and long-term projection.

CBSM through the University of Talca and government grants has created one of the most advanced high performance-computing centers for bioinformatics in South America, with more than a 1000 CPUs for parallel processing.

The last addition to the center is a GPU cluster. This cluster contains 90 of the latest GPU enhancing the performance in advanced calculations.

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Research Areas


Development of complex computational tools to be applied in bioinformatics, biotechnology, health, agronomy, among other areas.


Study of genome sequences, the function of their elements, their epigenetic and genetic expression; of its structure and evolution in populations of individuals.

Computational Physical Chemistry

Study of the matter using physical and chemical concepts, through computational tools.

Structural Biology

Study of the structural characteristics of macromolecules and how they relate to their functions.

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Biophysics – Electrophysiology Laboratory

Laboratory of protein engineering and microscopy

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CBSM maintains work collaborations with partners around the globe, and it always open to developing new relationships.



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